Joint Worship at Troon Old and Portland

Since July 2022, the congregations of Troon Old and Portland parish churches have worshipped together, led by locum minister Rev Gillean Richmond. Gillean is a full-time locum, appointed by Presbytery jointly to the two congregations, in an arrangement that is unique in Scotland.

Sunday morning services start at 10:30am, and are held in Troon Old and Portland churches in alternate months.

In coming months, services will be held in
Portland: October 2023, December 2023
Troon Old: November 2023

Also, during the period of transition leading up to the creation of the new united Troon Church of Scotland, worship on the second Sunday of each month is being shared between Portland, St Meddan’s and Troon Old parish churches.

For more detailed week-by-week information, please visit the Worship Schedule on the new Troon Church of Scotland website.